The e-commerce landscape in Algeria has witnessed significant growth in recent years, particularly fueled by the restrictions imposed during the global Covid-19 crisis. As lockdowns, limitations, and the …
A new Internet Age .With the expected deployment of 5G networks around the globe and the availability of faster brodband connections , we're about to witness a new Internet age which is about to have an …
Azzedine Boudrioua is actually associated Professor at the University of Metz (France). After a M. Sc. in Physics from the University of Annaba (Algeria), he prepared a Ph. D. in Physic at the University of …
Sources : Djazairess/El Watan
Français d'origine algérienne, le Pr Alim Louis Benabid, neurochirurgien et chercheur au laboratoire Clinatec du CHU de Grenoble, pour donner une conférence ayant pour le …
Source : Algerie monde infos
Encore une fois, un jeune Algérien a laissé exploser son génie à l’étranger. De l’université de Tizi Ouzou puis à Lille en France, le jeune …